Orleans Marina Tenants Association activity log:


* July 24, 2014 - General Meeting   @ New Orleans Yacht Club, Social 6:30pm,  Meeting 7:00pm


* July 13, 2010 - General Meeting   @ New Orleans Yacht Club, Social 6:30pm,  Meeting 7:00pm


* May 1, 2010 – All volunteer marina clean-up activity


* April 27, 2010 -  Notice of 2010 Annual Tennants Accociation meeting @ NOYC – 6:30pm social, meeting starts at 7pm

synopsis of the meeting


* October 24, 2009  OMTA BBQ / Swap Meet


* April / May / June – the OMTA board is studying and formulating recommendations to our legislators regarding the disposal of Orleans Levee District assets which include the Orleans Marina.   The goal is cost containment and retention of slip leases.   See the Times Picayune article under the “Local Links” tab on the OMTA website home page.  More info will follow.


* March 16, 2009   - President’s letter & 2009 Goals for OMTA


* March 3, 2009   - Annual Membership Dues notice


* January 20, 2009  (Tuesday) OMTA General membership meeting @ NOYC – 6:30pm social, meeting starts at 7pm

minutes of the meeting as recorded


* October 2, 2008  State Registration for LA Yachts


*  August / September, 2008  STORM BULLETINS  


*  July 29, 2008 (Tuesday) OMTA General membership meeting @ NOYC – 6:30pm starts at 7pm

minutes of the meeting as recorded


*  December 15, 2007 (Saturday) Christmas boat parade @ 7pm; >> Winners


*  November 13, 2007 (Tuesday)  OMTA general meeting @ NOYC – 6:30pm 

            … Elections held at the meeting produced two new board members 


*  August 21, 2007 (Tuesday)  “Tying Up for the Storm”  @ NOYC - 7pm

… Michael Liebaret will give a class on tying up your boat for a hurricane.


*  July 31, 2007  (Tuesday)  OMTA general meeting @ NOYC - 7pm

… to establish an operating budget and committees