Bulletin Affecting all Federally Documented Louisiana Yachts


All federally registered yachts located within the State of Louisiana for a period of 90 days or more must immediately register with the State.


Also see New Florida Tax Cap Law on Yacht Sales



September 28, 2008 – Rather unclear mailing received from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries suggesting the intent that all federally registered yachts located within the State of Louisiana for a period of 90 days or more must immediately register with the State.


October 2, 2008 – A call to the wildlife & fisheries prompted a reference to House bill no. 697, Act no. 35 clarifying the wording of the mail out.




Site for the State Legislature:  http://legis.state.la.us/


Site for the Louisiana dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries:  http://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/boating/registration/


February 13, 2009 – Official clarification from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries


Notes of 1-1-09:

Also see www.omta.us  under “boat links of interest”, USCG documentation, Vessel documentation center, then FAQ’s.

for possible conflicts between the new Louisiana state law and federal law.  Specifically, read the section titled  ” IS A DOCUMENTED VESSEL EXEMPT FROM STATE JURISDICTION ? ”  ( US Coast Guard documentation / FAQ’s


All research reflects that no state may issue title for a USCG documented vessel and that no state may require display of state issued numbers on a USCG documented vessel; however, the Louisiana registration document incorrectly provides for both.   Websites for many states specifically point this out.


USCG Documentation ( cover letter )


USPS (United States Power Squadrons) issues ( bulletin ) clarifying the legal debate.   


BOAT-US cites ( example ) state registration, not titling, of a documented vessel.


The  MarineTitle.com link gives a nice overview on documentation.  ( MarineTitle.com / Documentation Overview )


The customs link lends additional reasoning and the complexities behind the concerns for unambiguous federal registration for international travel.  ( US Customs International Travel Requirements )  


Disclaimer:  The notes were added by the website editor and not necessarily the official position of the “OMTA”.

Address all comments or corrections to editor@datakik.com .