>> Lead Based
Paint Pamphlet (required
to be given to tenants of older properties)
>> Comprehensive guide on Mold, 20 page .pdf file
from the EPA
>> Smoking now unlawful in public housing
effective July, 2018
... HUD
smoking policy manual
Mold / Mildew mitigation, treatment, concerns &
- Beware of salesmanship regarding mold. Mold
has been around since the beginning of time and did not turn deadly all of
a sudden in the past few years. You will probably never be
exposed to levels of mold that are dangerous; however, to some individuals
mold can be a health concern. If you get sick staying at motels then
you might be sensitive to mold and may need to take more precautions.
Killing surface mold is easy using a 50/50 Household Bleach /
Water mix in a spray bottle but do not use on clothes or let it drip on
- DO NOT pile up laundry. Piles of
laundry create mildew which can lead to mold. Showers create
lots of dampness which is required to create mold. Leave bathroom
doors open for ventilation when not in use. Lots of cooking can
create elevated levels of moisture in the home also leading to an
increased likelihood of mold. Excess occupancy can also contribute
to mold. Every person exhales warm
damp air. The more people, the more
breathing, bathing & cooking.
There should never be more than 2 people per bedroom per housing
unit, this is also enforceable by Jefferson Parish Ordinance.
- Air out your home once in a while by opening the
windows when there is a fresh breeze to carry off the built up
dampness. High efficiency windows and newer sealed tight
construction can also reduce ventilation. Dampness is more
likely during times of not needing air conditioning. Air
conditioning normally removes excess dampness although the newer high
efficiency units are not quite as good at it as the older units.
Never set the thermostat where the fan always runs. The unit's blower must turn off after
cool down else the unit will put the humidity removed right back in the
living spaces.
- The bottom line: Mold loves to grow in damp, dark areas;
warmth will accelerate the problem.
>> What up with mold on newer windows ?
>> Killing Mold
>> YouTube Video with ideas to deter mold
>> Notice from Louisiana Dept. of Health and Hospitals
>> Terminix, service contractor (834-7330)
>> MDF500 product
>> Sabre Technologies
(Clorine DiOxide)