On Wednesday, July 15th at 10:30am, Mrs. Ann Wadsworth Fitzmorris, President of the Azby Fund will present USCG Captain Stanton of the Bucktown Station with the original bronze plaque that names the New Canal Lighthouse to the National Register of Historic Places, which has been missing since Hurricane Katrina.


We are trying to promote interest in the fund raising effort to restore the Lighthouse and encourage everyone to show their support at this event. The Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation will distribute their press release for the event on Monday, in the mean time, we would greatly appreciate your help in getting the word out.


Best regards,


Michael Liebaert     



You’re Invited

What: The Rededication of the New Canal Lighthouse Historic Marker

Where: New canal Lighthouse (next to Landry’s Seafood Restaurant along Lakeshore Dr.)

When: 10:30 am, Wednesday, July 15th

Light Refreshments Will be Served