Meeting of June 27, 2018   7pm  - Fat Jack's (Fox's Pizza)  3112 Pontchartrain Dr.  Slidell, La


Good day.  I wanted to update you on the MICO General Membership meeting that was held Wednesday June 27th.


After the minutes and the treasury report were accepted, The new Bylaws were approved, there was a recycling discussion, reflections on the meeting held with Eden Isles and Moonraker Executive Boards, and an announcement and discussion regarding a donation to purchase cameras to benefit our Moonraker community followed.


Appreciation to Jack Serigne for hosting us at Fat Jack's, Lee Longstreet for creating our new website, our guest speakers, and the Chatagniers for donating us a sound system.


Information pertaining to membership was announced:  there will be a membership drive in January; however, anyone wishing to renew dues or pay current dues can pay them now at 114 Moonraker Dr. It was decided that dues would be collected from January to December annually, not June to May. If you have not given Karen Mathews your email address or telephone number, please do so at <>.


If pot holes are present, please report them to St. Tammany Parish (Joey Lobrano) at 898-2557.  It was noted that a contract was signed to start a comprehensive study for flood protection for our area, project 1.0.  Detailed information was given about the bridge  reconstruction and the delays were explained. Our guest speakers gave reports on the dynamics of hurricanes (Mike Koziara, National Weather Service), flooding, boating suggestions and salvage (Master Chief Sawyer and lieutenant Engineering Officer Tara Hunter, U.S. Coastguard ), contraflow, and services provided by Homeland Security (Clarence Powe). 


Questions submitted from the membership included what to do about Alligators (call the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Nuisance Alligator Program at 337-735-8672) (this is newly updated information) and what to do about the Algae (call the LSU Agricultural Center at 225-578-8200)


Our next meeting is scheduled for October 24th and will be our annual Safety Meeting.






follow up:  minutes of the meeting